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There are currently 21 terms in this directory beginning with the letter D.
Excessive water loss from the body, organ or bodily part. This occurs when output of water exceeds intake.

Dextrose (Glucose)
A form of sugar used in dialysate to remove fluid.

Dialysate (dialysis fluid)
A mixture of water, electrolytes and dextrose. Sodium lactate is the most commonly used buffer in the dialysis solution. Newer solutions using pure bicarbonate or bicarbonate/lactate combinations have been developed as a more physiological buffer. Electrolyte levels in dialysate are proportioned to ensure that the levels in the blood remain within physiological range. Waste products, such as BUN and creatinine are not present in the dialysate and will readily move out of the blood into the dialysis fluid.

Dialysate Circuit
Component of the dialysis system that is enclosed within the hydraulic system and the dialysate compartment (outside the fibers) of the dialyzer.

Dialysate container
In peritoneal dialysis: The bag containing the dialysate, also known as the “peritoneal dialysis bag”.

Dialysate Flow Rate
A prescribed ml/min flow of the dialysate through the dialyzer.

Dialysate fresh
The unused dialysate

Dialysate leak (peritoneal)
Extravasation of the fluid to any space outside the peritoneal cavity (e.g. pleural cavity, through the exit site or the surgical incision, scrotum).

Dialysate spent
The dialysate drained out after its dwell in the peritoneal cavity, also known as effluent.

Diffusion of blood across a semi-permeable membrane to remove toxic substances. Dialysis maintains fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance when there is impaired kidney function or there are no native kidneys.

Dialyzer Reaction
Can be caused by a reaction to ethylene oxide with symptoms occurring in the first 15 – 30 minutes of treatment that include itching, chest and or back pain, shortness of breath, hypotension, nausea and general discomfort.

Diastolic Blood Pressure
The blood pressure against the arteries when the heart is at rest (between beats). It is the bottom half of the blood pressure reading.

Process in which solutes move from an area of high solute concentration through a semi-permeable membrane to an area of low solute concentration.

Disequilibrium Syndrome
Can occur when the BUN is removed much faster from the blood than from the brain, when disequilibrium occurs, fluid moves into the brain cells and potential symptoms are headache, nausea, hypertension, restlessness, confusion, blurred vision and seizures.

Refers to furthest from the center of the body. For example, the hands and feet are distal extremities. The opposite of proximal.

Diurnal PD or daytime PD
A number of manual exchanges during the day with a dry abdomen during the night (for those who need short exchanges and for whatever reason cannot or will not use a cycler).

Drain (of PD fluid)
The action of outflow of the spent dialysate from the peritoneal cavity.

Drain Time
The amount of time needed for the peritoneal fluid to drain from the peritoneal cavity.

Drip Chamber
Used to collect air in the arterial and venous chambers of the hemodialysis system.

Dry Weight
The ideal body weight without excess fluid volume.

The period during which the dialysate remains inside the peritoneal cavity (usually from the end of the infusion to the beginning of drainage).
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