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There are currently 27 terms in this directory beginning with the letter H.
Hand Crank
Relating to the hemodialysis machine: Method used to return blood to the patient during a power failure, also know as Emergency Hand Crank, that utilizes the auxiliary blood pump crank handle inserted into the hand crank spindle on the blood pump and the blood is manually returned to the patient.

Pain in the cranial region that may occur as an isolated and benign symptom or as a manifestation of a wide variety of conditions.

Monitoring strip that identifies the presence of blood.

A measurement of red cells in the blood, stated as a percentage of red blood cells per total blood volume.

An accumulation of blood that has escaped into the tissues from blood vessels. It is commonly referred to as a bruise and appears "black and blue".

A process of removing chemical substances and water from the blood by passing it through an artificial kidney composed of semi-permeable membranes.

Protein found in erthrocytes that transports oxygen in the blood.

The destruction of red blood cells resulting in the liberation of haemoglobin, potassium and other cell contents.

Abnormal bleeding, either internal or external.

A powerful anticoagulant that blocks/suppresses clotting of the blood. In peritoneal dialysis heparin can be added to the dialysis solution. Heparin inhibits the formation of fibrin and may prevent subsequent adhesion formation.

Heparin Pump
A component of the hemodialysis delivery system that delivers heparin at a prescribed rate.

An inflammation of the liver, can be of viral or toxic origin.

State of equilibrium of the internal environment of the body that is maintained by dynamic processes of feedback and regulation.

Hydrostatic Pressure
The pressure exerted by a column of water due to gravity or mechanical pressure.

Unusually high levels of potassium in the blood.

Primary hyperparathyroidism is a disorder of the parathyroid glands, also called parathyroids. "Primary" means this disorder originates in the parathyroids: One or more enlarged, overactive parathyroid glands secretes too much parathyroid hormone (PTH). In secondary hyperparathyroidism, a problem such as kidney failure causes the parathyroids to be overactive.

Blood pressure greater than normal.

Abnormally high body temperature.

An increase in size of an organ or structure that does not involve tumor formation.

Abnormally increased volume of circulating blood in the body.

Not enough potassium in the blood.

Decreased blood flow through an organ, as in circulatory shock. If prolonged, it may result in permanent cellular dysfunction and death.

Low blood pressure.

Abnormally low body temperature.

A solution with an osmolality or concentration of solutes less than that which it is compared. In dialysis, the fluid of comparison is usually blood.

Abnormally decreased volume of circulating blood in the body.

Clinical manifestation of respiratory distress consisting of a relatively complete absence of oxygen.
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