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There are currently 13 terms in this directory beginning with the letter T.
A variant of the double-bag system, which consists of a catheter extension equipped with a very short lateral limb, through which, at the end of the exchange, before the disconnection of the bag, a disinfectant is injected filling the catheter extension.

An abnormally fast heart rate. If 70 to 90 beats per minute is considered normal, then 100 beats per minute would indicate tachycardia.

A technique is the procedure by which a regimen is accomplished. These definitions can be confusing since similar terms are applied to the regimen and the technique.

Technique failure rate
The proportion of peritoneal dialysis patients switching to hemodialysis

A set of symptoms which include intermittent tonic spasms, nervousness and muscular irritability induced by changes in calcium or pH.

Three-pore model
A theoretical model describing solute and water transport across the peritoneal membrane Proposing the presence of three different sizes of pores. The smallest are considered to be the aquaporins.

Clot formed in a blood vessel or blood passage.

Titanium (or plastic) adaptor
The Luer lock adaptor made of titanium (or plastic), connecting the catheter to its extension or to the administration set of a double-bag system.

TMP (Transmembrane Pressure)
The difference in pressure between the filtrate and permeate sides of the dialyzer membrane. TMP = Venous Pressure – Dialysate Pressure.

An electronic sensor in the hemodialysis machine that reads the pressure inside the arterial and venous drip chambers. Transducers are connected to the drip chambers through pressure monitor lines.

Transfer set
The tubing connecting the catheter to the dialysate bag in the non-disconnecting system

Tunnel infection
Erythema, edema or tenderness or any combination of these over the subcutaneous portion of the catheter
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