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All | A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V
There are currently 26 terms in this directory beginning with the letter A.
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation that develops voluntary standards for aspects of dialysis, including water treatment and dialyzer reprocessing.

Acid Clean
Pertaining to a hemodialysis system: A daily process where acid (vinegar) is rinsed through the acid and bicarbonate lines.

A pathologic condition resulting from accumulation of acid or depletion of the alkaline reserve (bicarbonate) content of the blood and body tissues, and characterized by an increase in hydrogen ion concentration (decrease in pH).

Rapidly developing; severe; short duration.

Acute Renal Failure
A sudden loss of kidney function; it can be reversible.

Air Embolism
Occurs when air bubbles enter the bloodstream and are carried into a vessel small enough to be blocked by the air, where it acts like a clot, blocking the flow of blood.

A pathological condition resulting from accumulation of bicarbonate and is characterized by a decrease in hydrogen ion concentration and increase in pH.

Allergic Reaction
Local or general hypersensitivity reaction following contact with a specific allergen.

Moving or walking around.

Anaphylaxis or anaphylactic reaction is an immediate, severe reaction to a substance to which an individual is allergic. The reaction may include signs and/or symptoms such as hives, itching or wheezing. The reaction may develop into anaphylactic shock, which can cause life-threatening consequences such as hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias or arrest, spasms of the breathing passages and swelling of the throat.

A deficiency of the oxygen carrying pigment of hemglobin often accompanied by a reduced number of circulating red blood cells; common in patients on dialysis due to decreased red blood cell production and procedural blood loss. The major symptoms are fatigue, tiredness, breathlessness on exertion, pallor and poor resistance to infection

Substance that delays or prevents coagulation of blood.

A chemical which prevents or inhibits growth and reproduction of bacteria; it does not necessarily destroy them as a disinfectant would

Absence of urine formation.

Irregular heart beat, rapid or slow pulse, palpitations caused by changes in the blood pH or electrolyte levels (potassium), hypotension or heart disease

Arterial Drip Chamber
Chamber within the hemodialysis system extracorporeal circuit were arterial pressure is monitored. A bubble trap inside the drip chamber collects any air that enters the blood tubing.

Arterial line
Part of the hemodialysis system extracorporeal circuit that is involved with transporting the patient’s blood to the dialyzer.

Arterial Side of Dialyzer
The end of the dialyzer where the patient’s blood enters to be dialyzed.

As-treated analysis
An analysis in which only the test subjects who actually received the intervention or medication to be examined during the study are considered in the results analysis.

Free from infectious organisms; sterile.

Aseptic Technique
A process of rendering an object completely free of microorganisms. A method usually involving sterile gloves, gowns and masks.

Assisted Home Dialysis
For patients unable to perform treatment themselves, assistance can be provided by care partners or visiting caregivers such as nurses to overcome the barriers to performing dialysis at home. Non-assisted home dialysis refers to patients performing their home treatment independently, without the help or presence of a partner or need for additional external support.

Assisted PD
The administration of peritoneal dialysis (PD) modalities to a physically dependent patient by a home-visiting nurse, a caregiver or a family member.

Auto Flow Rate
A ratio of dialysate flow to blood flow based on the dialysis prescription, for example 2x dialysate auto flow with a blood flow of 400ml/min would be 800 ml/min.

Automated PD (APD)
A number of different PD modalities that use an automated peritoneal dialysis (PD) machine.

Automated PD machine
An electrical appliance specifically designed to perform peritoneal dialysis (PD) automatically, also known as a "cycler".
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