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There are currently 34 terms in this directory beginning with the letter P.
Perceptible to touch.

Irregular beating of the heart

Pericardial Effusion
Fluid in the pericardial cavity, between the visceral and parietal pericardium. It may produce symptoms of cardiac tamponade (see above for definition)

Inflammation of the pericardium, or sac surrounding the heart.

Peritoneal catheter cuff
A band of fabric (e.g. Dacron) affixed to the intratunnel part of the catheter leading to pericatheter fibrous tissue growth. Usually, peritoneal catheters have two cuffs, one located close to the endoabdominal fascia (deep or epiperitoneal or inner or internal cuff) and the other located close to the skin (outer or subcutaneous or superficial or external cuff).

Peritoneal catheter tunnel
The passageway through the abdominal wall within which the peritoneal catheter is contained.

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) training
The procedure of preparing an individual with ESRD for the self administration of the PD treatment, including preparation of materials, aseptic technique, prevention of contamination, exit site care, performing exchanges, troubleshooting, record keeping, and ordering supplies. PD training is usually provided by a specially trained nurse.

Peritoneal dialysis catheter
See catheter. The intraperitoneal and the extraperitoneal potions differ in various catheters. The most commonly used type of catheter is the Tenckhoff catheter (straight, coiled, or swan-neck design). Modifications of the Tenckhoff catheter are the Missouri swan-neck catheter, the Moncrief-Popovich swan-neck catheter and the Toronto Western Hospital (TWH) or Oreopoulos-Zellerman catheter.

Peritoneal dialysis connectology
A conventional term referring to the various systems of transfer sets, connecting devices, containers, adapters, etc., which are used during the process of peritoneal dialysis.

Peritoneal dialysis dose
The amount of dialysate used in a specified time. It can be numerically expressed by Kt/V or creatinine clearance and should be corrected to either the total body water or body surface area.

Peritoneal dialysis prescription
The combination of peritoneal dialysis modality, dose and schedule.

Peritoneal eosinophilia (Former term: Eosinophilic peritonitis)
Asymptomatic cloudy effluent with more than 15% eosinophils in a differential WBC count. It usually appears in the first few months after starting PD and is usually a benign self-limiting condition. (Peritoneal eosinophilia can also occur later during some fungal infections).

Peritoneal sclerosis
The extensive thickening of the peritoneal membrane due to fibrous tissue and new vessel formation, usually as a result of long-term PD, especially when the latter is complicated by severe or recurrent peritonitis.

Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum. Infectious peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum related to microorganisms. Resistant or refractory peritonitis is an episode that does not respond to treatment within 48 hours. Relapsing peritonitis is an episode that initially responds to treatment but then symptoms reappear. Recurrent peritonitis is an episode with symptoms that return within 2 weeks of the completion of therapy for peritonitis and the organism is the same as in the prior episode.

The hydrogen ion concentration of a solution. A solution with a pH above 7 is alkaline (base). A solution with a pH below 7 is an acid.

Phosphate Binder
Compounds that bind phosphorus in the GI tract, preventing absorption. Bound phosphorus becomes part of the faeces and is eliminated. Classes of binders include aluminum, calcium and magnesium as well as non-absorbable calcium and aluminum-free compounds.

Is a nonmetallic element present in such foods as dairy products, meats, fish, nuts, chocolate and cola. Too much phosphorus in the blood can cause itching, secondary hyperparathroidism and bone disease.

The straw coloured, non-cellular liquid portion of the blood containing clotting factors. It consists of water, electrolytes, nutrients and proteins.

Mixture of glucose polymers in different chain lengths.

Small opening or hole.

Postural Hypotension
The development of hypotension when the posture is changed. This is usually manifested by dizziness on standing.

A metallic element, and an important electrolyte in the human body, Levels of potassium that are too high or too low can cause illness or death, levels must be kept within very tight limits.

Directions written for the preparation and administration of a therapy.

Procedure done before hemodialysis to remove air from the extracorporeal circuit by flushing the bloodlines and dialyzer with saline.

PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)
An evidence-based guideline setting up the minimum items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

Prospective study
A type of observational study in which participants are identified and enrolled, then followed for a period of time to gather pertinent data and record outcomes.

A group of nitrogen-containing compounds found widely in nature in both plants and animals. They are formed from complex combinations of amino acids. They form structural material of muscles, tissues and organs. They form enzymes and hormones.

Nearest the point of attachment, centre of the body or point of reference. Opposite of distal.

Intense itching.

Pulmonary Oedema
An accumulation of fluid in the lungs caused by fluid overload.

Rhythmical throbbing caused by the regular expansion and contraction of an artery.

PVC Abbreviation for polyvinyl chloride

A substance that causes fever.
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