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There are currently 22 terms in this directory beginning with the letter E.
An academic literature abstracting database service focused on literature in the field of economics. It is produced by the American Economic Association.

Accumulation of an excessive amount of fluid in or around tissues or cells.

Effect of Differing Kidney Disease Treatment Modalities and Organ Donation and Transplantation Practices on Health Expenditure and Patient Outcomes (EDITH) Project
A 36-month project (2017-2020) focusing on the differing CKD treatment modalities, subdivided into six closely interlinked work packages realized by a multinational interdisciplinary team aiming at long-term sustainability of the registers established.

Effective peritoneal surface area
The area of the peritoneal surface that is sufficiently close to peritoneal capillaries to play a role in solute and water transport.

Carrying away from the central organs or section. For example, efferent arterioles carry blood away from the glomeruli of the kidney. The opposite of afferent.

The used or spent dialysate fluid that is carried to the drain.

An electrolyte is a compound that breaks apart into ions. Common electrolytes include sodium (Na+), potassium (K+) and calcium (Ca++). Electrolyte transport electrical impulses along the nerves to the muscles, including the heart. Healthy kidneys maintain electrolyte balance in the body. Electrolytes are added to dialysate in carefully controlled amounts.

A mass of undissolved matter present in the blood or lymph brought there by the blood or lymph current.

Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (former term: Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis)
A life threatening complication of peritoneal dialysis where an encapsulating sclerotic reaction of the peritoneum develops, with the bowel enveloped in a thick cocoon of fibrous tissue, causing intermittent, partial, or complete bowel obstruction.

End Stage Renal Disease
Term used for complete or irreversible loss of kidney function, the last stage of chronic renal failure. Also referred to as ESRD.

A poison harmful to all body tissues, contained within certain Gram negative bacteria and released only when the bacterial cell is broken down or dies and disintegrates.

Enteric peritonitis
Infectious peritonitis with an organism consistent with those from the gastrointestinal tract. (Presence of anaerobic organisms is pathognomic of this condition).

EPO-equivalent IU/week
Units of darbepoetin alfa were converted to units of epoetin alfa-equivalent by multiplying by 250.

The body's attempt to maintain balance or homeostasis. Used in reference to equal concentrations in two compartments across a semipermeable membrane.

A hormone that acts on the bone marrow to stimulate red blood cell production. It is produced by the kidney in response to oxygen deficiency in the tissues.

Estimated Dry Weight
The weight the patient would be if the kidneys functioned normally.

The cause of a disease.

European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplantation Association (ERA-EDTA)
One of the largest nephrological associations in the world, which supports basic and clinical research in the fields of clinical nephrology, dialysis, kidney transplantation, and related topics.

European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT)
An international organization dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in organ transplantation, supporting research and extensive education, and promoting changes in European policy.

A peritoneal exchange or cycle is the infusion and drainage of a specific volume of peritoneal dialysis solution consistent with the PD prescription. The PD prescription defines the volume, dwell time and sometimes the rate of infusion and drainage. The dwell time may vary from a few minutes to several hours.

Exit site
The most external part of the sinus tract and the skin surrounding the exit of the catheter tunnel. Usually the location of the exit site is in the abdominal wall, but a presternal exit site is also an option.

Exit-site infection
Evidence of inflammation (pain, swelling, erythema, and/or discharge) at the exit site.
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