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There are currently 40 terms in this directory beginning with the letter C.
Cardiac Tamponade
A pathological condition which results from excess accumulation of fluid in the pericardium.

Catheter A tubular, flexible instrument, passed through body channels for withdrawal of fluids from (or introduction of fluids into) a body cavity.

Catheter extension
A piece of tubing connecting the catheter to the peritoneal dialysis (PD) delivery system.

Catheter-related peritonitis (or exit site- or tunnel infection-related peritonitis)
A peritonitis episode in conjunction with an exit-site or tunnel infection with the same organism as that at the exit site.

Center for Medicare and Medical Services (CMS)
The U.S. federal agency that runs the Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance Programs, and the federally facilitated Marketplace.

Charlson Comorbidity Score/Index
A validated, simple method of categorizing comorbidities in patients that predicts 10-year survival.

Chemical Rinse
The “Chemical/Rinse program of the hemodialysis machine disinfects the machine by rinsing it with water, chemical disinfectant, and water again.

A sense organ or sensory nerve ending that is stimulated by and reacts to certain chemical stimuli. It is located outside of the central nervous system.

Chest Pain
Pressure, burning, or numbness in the chest.

Of long duration or recurring frequently.

Chronic Kidney Disease
Persistent, long-lasting renal pathologic process, often associated with loss of kidney function.

Chronic kidney disease - mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD)
A disorder that can affect the bones, heart, and blood vessels of a person with CKD that is caused by changes in calcium, phosphate, and hormonal levels that occur with kidney disease.

Chronic Renal Failure
The progressive, irreversible loss of kidney function that occurs over periods of time ranging from a few months to decades. Also called Chronic Renal Insufficiency.

Clean Technique
Rendering an object partially free from organisms.

A quantitative measure, expressed in mL/minute, of the rate at which waste products are removed from the blood by the kidney, peritoneal membrane or artificial kidney.

A mass of coagulated blood. The normal reaction of the blood to a damaged blood vessel or foreign material.

The process of forming a blood clot.

A numerical measure of a physical or chemical property that is constant for a system under specified conditions.

Comprehensive Conservative Management (CCM)
Holistic patient-centered care for CKD-5 patients who require KRT but opt out of dialysis treatment or kidney transplant. CCM includes interventions to delay the progression of kidney disease, shared decision-making, active symptom management, detailed communications including advanced care planning, palliative care, psychological support, social and family support, and cultural and spiritual domains of care.

Pertaining to hemodialysis: One of two salt solutions (acid and bicarbonate) that are mixed together with purified water to form dialysate.

The ability of a fluid to transfer electrical charge as a measurement of ions in a solution.

Conductivity Meter
Measures the electrolyte composition of dialysate to ensure it is within safe limits for use.

Confidence interval ( 95 % CI )
A range of estimate values that you can be 95 percent confident contains the true value of the parameter being measured.

Connecting device
A device of different designs (exclusively specific for each peritoneal dialysis (PD) delivery system) used for the connection of the catheter or its extension to the delivery sytem. Synonym to connector.

To make unclean, unsterile or impure.

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
A peritoneal dialysis (PD) modality where a certain amount of dialysate is always present in the peritoneal cavity resulting in a continuous dialysis method. Four daily exchanges are typically performed manually using gravity or in some cases with the use of an assisting device.

Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD)
An automated PD (APD) modality with a number of exchanges during the night and a long daytime dwell. All exchanges are performed by a cycler.

Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis plus or enhanced(CCPD plus or enhanced CCPD)
Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD) with the addition of at least one daytime manual exchange.

Continuous flow peritoneal dialysis(CFPD)
A peritoneal dialysis (PD) modality where dialysate flows continuously in and out of the peritoneal cavity through two separate catheters or one dual lumen catheter.

Symptom, condition or circumstance that renders the use or a remedy or procedure inadvisable, usually because of a risk.

Violent involuntary contraction or series of contractions of voluntary muscles. Also known as seizure.

Slow disintegration or wearing away of something by a destructive agent.

Cost-effectiveness analysis
An evaluation of the effectiveness of ≥2 treatments in relation to their cost. The aim of the decision maker when assessing a new intervention is to maximize outcomes (i.e., quality-adjusted life years) and minimize opportunity costs. Cost effectiveness analysis is the method used to measure these outcomes.

During the hemodialysis treatment: Painful muscle cramps often in the hands and feet resulting from removal of too much fluid, changes in blood chemistry, especially sodium, low potassium levels and hypotension.

Creatinine is a waste product of creatinine phosphate metabolism, which is found especially in the muscle and blood. Increased creatinine values inthe blood can be an indication of renal failure. It is one of the primary lab values indicating a patient's need to start dialysis.

Conversion of normally round red blood cells into shriveled, irregularly shaped forms that occurs if the blood is exposed to a solution that is more concentrated than blood.

Culture negative peritonitis
The appearance of cloudy effluent (with more than 50% polymorphonuclear white blood cells) and abdominal pain with persistently (>3) negative cultures of peritoneal effluent.

Cumulative incidence of death
The proportion of a group that dies over a defined time interval.

A peritoneal cycle or exchange is the infusion and drainage of a specific volume of peritoneal dialysis solution consistent with the PD prescription. The PD prescription defines the volume, dwell time and sometimes the rate of infusion and drainage. The dwell time may vary from a few minutes to several hours.

A machine used to infuse and drain dialysate from the peritoneal cavity.
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